S. Behera

Photonic integration of uniform GaAs nanowires in hexagonal and honeycomb lattice for broadband optical absorption

S. Behera, P.W. Fry, H. Francis, I. Farrer, C.Y. Jin, M. Hopkinson
AIP Advances 10, 105211,2020.

Broadband, wide-angle antireflection in GaAs through surface nanostructuring for solar cell application

S. Behera, P. W. Fry, H. Francis, C.Y. Jin, M. Hopkinson
Scientific Reports, vol. 10, 6269,2020.

Directed self-assembly of InAs quantum dots using in situ interference lithography

Y.R. Wang, M. Hopkinson, H.I Sik, S. Behera, C.Y. Jin
Quantum Dots, Nanostructures, and Quantum Materials: Growth, Characterization, and Modeling XVII (vol. 11291, p. 1129107). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.

Fabrication of sub-micrometer periodic nanostructures using pulsed laser interference for efficient light trapping in optoelectronic devices

S. Behera, Y.R Wang, H.I. Sik, C.Y. Jin, M. Hopkinson
Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXV (Vol. 11267, p. 112671B). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.

Broadband, wide-angle antireflection in GaAs through surface nano-structuring for solar cell applications

S. Behera, P. Fry, H. Francis, C.Y. Jin, M. Hopkinson
Scientific Reports, vol. 10, p. 6269, 2020.